Your dig­i­tal training
from an Excel file.

Create online trainings quickly and without prior technical knowledge with the help of Thaleia XL, e-learning author solution, from just a simple Excel file.  Start your Thaleia XL free trial and for the next 5 days benefit from:

all func­tion­al­i­ties of Thaleia XL

per­son­alised sup­port by email/phone

a 15 minute call with an expert to start you off

Try this Thaleia XL module

Pro­duce and train infinitely

Thanks to Thaleia XL, push the boundaries of your everyday life and gain in productivity!

In this evolving world, support your learners in acquiring transversal skills to allow them to boost their careers. 

Thaleia XL is the most simple-to-use author learning tool which allows you to create professional and custom digital training modules in minutes.

Imagine the content and Thaleia XL puts it together!

Rein­vent the train­ing experience

Transform the training and development of your learners and employees in a continuous interactive experience thanks to:

Support screens and pedagogical activities which favour experimentation and practice.

Modules that can be consulted everywhere and continuously on computer, mobile and tablet.

Offer the same quality of training to your entire audience.

Cre­ate and dis­trib­ute cap­ti­vat­ing ped­a­gog­i­cal content

Open your Excel file, compatible with all spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, LibreOffice Calc…) and choose from a large variety of model screens.

Already have an LMS? Your newly created modules with Thaleia XL respond to SCORM standards. All you have to do is import the into your LMS and let the magic happen!

Don't have an LMS? No problem! Once your training is finalised, benefit from a distribution system available to everyone.

Ben­e­fit from a sim­ple and 
intu­itive man­age­ment system

Wanting to measure the success of your trainings?

Thaleia XL has already prepared the data!

Manage your training from a simplified dashboard including the main key-indicators: success, time-spent, attempts...

In addi­tion to the Thaleia XL tool which is very sim­ple to learn. [And] in addi­tion to the reports which real­ly allow us to man­age the oper­a­tional qual­i­ty of our train­ing, what I great­ly appre­ci­ate about Sol­unea is their avail­abil­i­ty at all times.

Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

Create my digital trainings.

Distribute my trainings from Thaleia, or import them into my LMS (in SCORM format).

Analyse completion data for courses delivered from Thaleia XL.

During your trial period, don't hesitate to ask our team to support you in your discovery of Thaleia XL.

Once your trial is over, you can decide to take the plunge and officially become a Thaleia XL user!

From the beginning of your subscription, you get 2 hours of personal support to master all the skils for creating effective Thaleia XL modules. 

Every 3 months, a review is scheduled with your digital pedagogy coach. Take advantage of this exchange to learn the best practices and advice for digital education.

Do you have any questions? Support is available from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm by phone, email and chat. 

Our community is also available for you! Find information, resources and tips here.

You can integrate various resources such as voice-overs, sound effects, images, gifs or video. These resources will allow you to create a unique, animated module with your own palette!

The Thaleia XL customisation generator allows you to design a module that looks like your brand by applying your colours and all the distinctive elements for a unique module.

With the platform, you'll find a bank of input screens and activities to vary the games and exercises: fill-in-the-blank text, quizzes, MCQs, matching, true-false, etc.

Yes, two clicks are enough for your users to have a module with contrasting colours and/or accessible without using the mouse.

For the designers, no particular action to do, everything is done automatically!
You can also integrate descriptions, visuals + subtitles for audio-videos.

You can upload your modules in SCORM format to your LMS, or create a publishing link to view and distribute them from your browser. It's also possible to export them as an .exe version for local viewing. 

On any type of media you want; the modules are responsive and adapt to PC, tablet and mobile phone screens!