
Boost your
train­ing processes

Providing you with the necessary solutions to succeed in your digitalisation, from setting up a platform to creating your e-learning content, to propel you to greater heights!

Talent Management

Devel­op tal­ents and keep 
track of performances 

Let your employees become key components in their development and prepare for tomorrow’s challenges today! Thanks to our Talent management solutions and our support at each stage of your project, you can focus on the expansion of your teams and shoot for the stars.

Choose the best option for you!

We offer a free consultation service which guarantees to boost your project to the next level, without wasting money or energy.

Contact us

Our Promise

A ded­i­cat­ed team 
ready to sup­port you!

 Our personalised support begins from our first exchange. We are committed to developing an ongoing and authentic relationship. Have a question? We love conversations which start with a problem and end in a solution ❤️.

Let your tal­ents shine with Solunea!

“Beyond the tool itself which is very sim­ple to use and to be imple­ment­ed in devel­op­ment and beyond the report­ing which real­ly allows us to man­age the oper­a­tional qual­i­ty of our train­ing, what I appre­ci­ate most about Sol­unea is their con­stant availability.”


A range of tools to enlighten 
and guide your dig­i­tal path


3 minutes

PINKTUM off-the-shelf content catalogue: all simply excellent!


3 minutes

3 minutes

Learning by Doing: take action!
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