How to create an e‑learning module from an Excel file?


3 minutes

How to create an e‑learning module from an Excel file?


Need to cre­ate an e‑learning mod­ule in no time? Thaleia is the ide­al tool for you! Thanks to its pre-pop­u­lat­ed Excel file, all you have to do is enter your data in Excel and Thaleia will cre­ate an e‑learning mod­ule auto­mat­i­cal­ly! We will explain in detail how to cre­ate an e‑learning mod­ule in 15 minutes.

Step 1: Create an account

To cre­ate your account, click here. Enter your email address and you will receive your pass­word by email. With Thaleia, you have the chance to test the plat­form for 15 days for free before mak­ing your choice.

Once you have cre­at­ed your account, you will be tak­en to the home page which offers you 3 choices :

  • Pro­duce: cre­ate and man­age your train­ing cours­es, in a few clicks, accord­ing to your needs
  • Dis­trib­ute: pub­lish and make your train­ing cours­es acces­si­ble in a ded­i­cat­ed space
  • Ana­lyze: fol­low the con­sul­ta­tion and mea­sure the impact of your training

Click on the first choice: “pro­duce”.

Then click on “pre­sen­ta­tion screens”.

Step 2: Download the Excel file

For this step, sim­ply click on “down­load com­plet­ed archive” to start down­load­ing the Excel file.

Unzip the file and open the file new_class_virtual.xls.

Step 3: Fill in the Excel file

This is the first sheet of the Excel file. It serves as a sum­ma­ry and intro­duc­tion to the mod­ule. You only need to mod­i­fy the text to fit your needs.

Then go to the “Input tem­plates” and “Activ­i­ty tem­plates” sheets to choose and mod­i­fy your screens. These sheets con­tain the screen tem­plates that you can insert in the mod­ule to be cre­at­ed. To do this: select the cells of a tem­plate, copy and paste them into the “Screens to be import­ed” sheet. The con­tent (white cells) will then be mod­i­fied in the past­ed template.

To fin­ish with the Excel file, once you have fin­ished your e‑learning mod­ule, go to the “Screens to import” sheet to make sure you have not for­got­ten any­thing! To check, hov­er over the dark blue area with your cur­sor to pre­view your page.

Once you have com­plet­ed your doc­u­ment, sim­ply return to the Thaleia web inter­face to import your file. Click on part num­ber 3: import ZIP archive.

Thaleia then gen­er­ates the mod­ule in min­utes. Feel free to pre­view your train­ing by click­ing on the pre­view button.

With Thaleia, cre­at­ing an e‑learning mod­ule has nev­er been eas­i­er! This solu­tion is ide­al for com­pa­nies that want to cre­ate train­ing mod­ules quick­ly while con­trol­ling costs.

To see an exam­ple, click here.

Have you tried Thaleia yet? We’re wait­ing for your feedback!


Pho­to by Priscil­la Du Preez on Unsplash