PINKTUM off-the-shelf content catalogue: all simply excellent!


1 minute

PINKTUM off-the-shelf content catalogue: all simply excellent!

Imane Bensouda

Presentation of Pinktum

Since 2010, our part­ner Pink­tum has posi­tioned itself as a mar­ket leader for high added val­ue off-the-shelf con­tent.

The spe­cial­ist pub­lish­er of video e‑learning con­tent is alwyas pro­vid­ing qual­i­ty edu­ca­tion­al video modules.

At the heart of the user expe­ri­ence, train­ing resources that rely on peo­ple to repro­duce the ele­ments of suc­cess­ful class­room training.


Themes of the catalogue

4 themes essen­tial to your pro­fes­sion­al needs:

❇️ Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and interaction

❇️ Per­son­al organ­i­sa­tion and development

❇️ Sales

❇️ Lead­er­ship

Check out an extract from Pink­tum train­ing in this video:

The structure of the content

Pink­tum’s 45–90 minute cours­es are struc­tured in short chap­ters (usu­al­ly 5–9). Each chap­ter con­tains a main video resource, sup­ple­ment­ed by addi­tion­al inputs and tasks. 

This break­down allows us to tack­le com­plex sub­jects in depth and to real­ly work on the acqui­si­tion of new skills and know-how

Dis­cov­er all the titles avail­able in 72 hours on your LMS, request your demo account.